Named GP

We assign all new and existing patients with a named accountable GP to oversee their care.

For patients aged 75 and over, the named accountable GP is responsible for:

  • working with health and social care professionals to deliver a care package that meets the needs of the patient
  • ensuring that these patients have access to a health check

Patients can still choose to see any GP in the surgery. We will make reasonable efforts to accommodate their preference.

If you have a preference or want to know who your named GP is, you can contact us for more information.

Are you over 75?

All patients over 75 are required to have a named doctor who will have overall responsibility for the care and support that Fishermead Medical Centre provides them. Most patients are already aware of their named doctor, if you are unsure, please ask a member of staff. If your named doctor is not the doctor you usually prefer to see, this is not a problem, you may continue to see the doctor of your choice.